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Why You Should Buy Furniture Made in the USA

Furniture Made in the USA
Made in America – we’ve all seen the labels and occasionally make a conscious decision to purchase products made in the U.S.
But when it comes to bigger purchases – like recliners and sofas – do we purposely choose those manufactured in America? Or, is our sole focus on the price and style?
Choosing American-made furniture is actually a really important decision to make. The quality of the pieces often depends on where they’re made. And of course, the choice to buy from American companies can have an economic impact as well. 
Today, we’ll show you why choosing furniture made in the United States is one of the best purchasing decisions you’ll ever make. 

6 Reasons Why You Should Buy Furniture Made in America

Buying furniture in the U.S. can help you make an impact in your community and the country as a whole. Here are six reasons why. 

1. It Helps the Economy

You can play a role in the national economy by buying American-made products. Buying from companies who manufacture their goods in the U.S. keeps jobs in this country. 
This means you help provide jobs for people around the country, possibly even some of your neighbors. 
And the jobs you’ll help to save/create aren’t just at the furniture manufacturer. That company will hopefully buy their materials from other local companies. Buying local can definitely have a ripple effect. 

2. You’ll Get High-Quality Furniture

The craftsmen and women who make American furniture are true artists. They take pride in what they make. They don’t just want their chairs to look fashionable, they want them to look rich and sophisticated. And they want them to last a long time – if not a lifetime. 
When you buy from various countries around the world, you aren’t always assured of the quality. In many cases, the manufacturers cut corners to produce a lower-priced product. The result is a piece of furniture which is cheap but doesn’t last nearly as long as most consumers would like. 

3. The U.S. Has Better Labor Standards

We’re fortunate to live in a country with high standards for the labor force. Many countries don’t have the standards we do. Children are forced to work. Others have to work in horrible conditions every single day of the week. And often, the pay they receive barely gives them enough to buy food.
Each of us can use our hard-earned money to make a statement. Stand against this kind of workforce abuse by buying furniture made in the U.S. When you buy recliners and sofas here, you can rest assured your money isn’t supporting physical abuse in the workplace.

4. You’ll Be Helping the Environment

In addition to better workplace standards, the U.S. has some of the most stringent environmental regulations
These laws ensure manufacturers don’t take the easy and cheap way out. When fabricating their products and disposing of waste, they have to follow the law or face steep fines.
These regulations keep our land, air, and water safe – not just for us, but for future generations as well.

5. It Can Help Reduce the Trade Deficit 

Fact: The U.S. is in deep debt. One of the reasons for this is the trade deficit. Investing in local jobs will help reduce this deficit at least a bit.

6. You’ll Help Keep Manufacturers in the U.S. 

According to CNN, U.S. manufacturing jobs have been on the decline since the 1960s. Between 2000 and 2016, five million manufacturing jobs have been moved overseas. The issue with this isn’t just we’re losing jobs – it’s the jobs aren’t coming back. 
In many cases, once a manufacturer leaves the United States, they rarely come back. 
But if manufacturers have incentive to stay – because people want to buy products made in the USA, for example – they might be willing to stay or return.

Choose From the Top Brand American-Made Furniture at Wellington’s

Some people think choosing to buy American made products restricts their options. We get it – you want gorgeous furniture at a great price. And guess what? You can get both of those things when you buy from U.S. companies. 
Like we said earlier, American furniture makers are artists. They take pride in crafting beautiful recliners, couches, and sectionals. The pieces you get to choose from run the gamut from modern and sophisticated to classy and elegant. 
At Wellington’s, we offer all of the top American brands. We want you to have a wide selection to choose from. And we always make sure we provide you with options which are both beautiful and affordable.
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