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What's The Difference? Bonded Leather vs. Genuine Leather Furniture

Upgrade to the Best Quality Leather

The first impression is the most important and looks really do matter. These are the simple facts. When someone comes into your home, the level of comfort they feel in the space and their respect for your aesthetic taste will set the scene for the interaction which will ensue.

The best quality leather furniture will meet the needs for those who prioritize aesthetic superiority. Excellent investments are ones which will continue to serve you over time. Decide how you want your personal space and your environment to look.

Although expensive, leather can provide a classic look and indicate distinguished taste. If the aesthetics of a genuine high-quality real leather sofa is of high priority for your well-being, enjoy. Let's consider the cost and benefits to purchasing authentic leather or bonded leather sofas.

Types of Leather

There are many different types of leather upholstery—full-grain leather, top-grain leather, bi-cast leather, bonded leather, and even faux leather to name a few. When deciding on the type of leather furniture several key elements come into play. First is the type of tanning process which the hide was put through. This will affect the leather furniture’s water resistance and how easily it can be protected and cleaned. The second factor to consider is the leather type itself. The best leather furniture is made of genuine leather. More economic leather, but equally good looking, is bonded leather.

Genuine Leather

Genuine Leather

Genuine or authentic leather is tanned animal skin, rawhide, strong, tough, and beautiful making it is perfect for upholstery. It is kept as a singular entity and without the combination of other animal skins. Genuine leather is of higher quality than bonded and is featured in the best leather sofas and furniture.

Bonded Leather

Bonded Leather

Unlike genuine leather, bonded leather is a leather blend and uses much smaller scraps of hide combined with a polyurethane base. The leather scraps are broken down into a pulp, which can be made into a sheet or sprayed from a hose. Bonded leather is cheaper to manufacture and easier to work with, however, does not quite have the same appeal as genuine leather. Bonded leather contains the hides of many animals instead of just one skin.

Since manufacturing regulations in China and India are very limited and American leather manufacturers are outsourcing the tanning process to these countries at an increasing rate, one never really knows what is going into the mix of materials in bonded leather furniture.

It is still a good material, though. Since bonded leather is cheap and widespread, it can improve the wardrobe of many, while not breaking the bank. Bonded leather is also useful in updating your office or living room space to express a more sophisticated feeling. However, always remember to be knowledgeable about your investments. Even the best leather furniture won't look very nice in your living room if you are reminded whenever you see it of the harmful chemical process which went into making its bonded fabric. Nowadays, more and more bonded leathers are being made from recycled materials which cuts down on the mystery aspect of the leather.

Differences in Quality

The manufacturing process of tanning leather is an intricate one. There exist several methods of tanning each of which produces slightly different textures and colors in the hide. The most popular method is chromium-tanning. This involves a mixture of chemicals and polymers, which treat the animal hide through a series of chemical baths.

When it comes down to it, genuine leather is hands down better looking than bonded leather, as is the feeling and the smell. If you want quality craftsmanship, don’t settle for cheap knockoffs. Don't be satisfied with a piece of furniture which doesn't make you feel accomplished and proud when you see it. Invest your hard-earned money not just into a living room upgrade, but a standard-of-living upgrade too. Genuine leather is more costly, but don't let that be a deterrent. 

It is better to wait, save, and dream of your perfect sofa rather than buying whatever is at Walmart. Because, when the glorious day finally comes and you can open up your browser to the bookmarked tab of your dream couch on, you will know that you truly earned it.

Previous article Furnishing the Family Room With Genuine Leather Furniture

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