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Design Your Room Around Your Sofa

Fun With FurnitureThe sofa is the focal point for the majority of living spaces. In fact, six out of ten consumers design their living room or family room around their sofa. The sofa is the key part in homes living room and dens regardless of age, income or location. Sofas come in all different sizes and coverings. Buying the right size for your room and the right color all depends on your budget and room size.

You should consider on either side of your sofa you need at least two feet for walking space. This should help with selecting the perfect size sofa for your space. There are sofas out there priced and made really cheap to really nice made to heirloom quality standards. If you like redecorating or changing up your room often, I would suggest paying less and going with a lower end product. If you are more about quality consider higher end fabrics or even a leather sofa. Leather will always far outlast fabric upholstery no matter how much you spend on it. Always the most durable cover for your new sofa would be leather. Solid colors are also easier to decorate with adding accessories like throw pillows are a great way to change the look of a solid color sofa. I often change my throw pillow season to season and the result is a new look four times a year with very little cost.

Choosing The Best Sofa For Your Lifestyle

Furniture shoppers find having a wood floor and a rug that blends with their sofa just as important as the sofa itself. Your rug should complement your sofa and no need to go matchie, matchie. Depending on the quality rug and the quality sofa one will probably outlast the other so each should be independent of one another to work within the walls of a new space. In other words don’t lock yourself in by having to use each of them together to make them work. Rugs like sofas come in all price ranges and colors. You have acrylic that is on the lower end or budget type up to wool that will last for decades and are easy to maintain. Again there is no wrong or right, it depends on your budget and taste.

Your sofa is a reflection of you. So make it fun, conservative or go mild to wild, just make it look good and feel great. A good sofa will last for decades so you should make sure you like it now and will like it then. Over the years you will probably change your point of view about colors and style. I started out contemporary then as I aged my tastes are moving more midcentury or shall I say more towards an eclectic more modern look. Versatility is where it’s at. In my eyes the perfect sofas is one that sits well and allows me to lay down well. I like the seat deep enough to lie down comfortably but not too deep that my legs won’t touch the ground. I our family we have folks from 5' all the way to 6’7”. We have found an inside seat depth of around 22” fits all of us well.

Before You Buy A Sofa

  1. Measure Your Room: See what the maximum size your room can handle to allow you the most seating for your money.
  2. Set Your Budget: Decide how much you would like to spend on a sofa. Do you want to pay more for higher quality that will last or are you the kind of person who wants a new sofa every few years?
  3. Construction: 8 way hand tied, elastic webbing, sinuous wire, etc…
  4. Style: Choose a style that’s you! Rolled arms, nail trim, tufting, pillow back, tight back.
  5. Function: Do you have a lot of company and need additional sleeping accommodations? If the answer is "yes" then perhaps you should consider a sofa sleeper. Today you can find really good sleeping options. Many companies offer not only the innerspring mattress but some offer a memory foam option and some even an air mattress.
  6. The Right Fabric: Cotton, polyester, linen, silk leather. If you have active family leather is always your best bet for durable furniture, especially your sofa as they seem to always get the most use. Consider fabric for accent pieces, places where folks don’t sit as much. Leather can take everyday use without showing wear.
  7. Seat Cushions: Soft with down feathers, firm with springs, or firm with foam.
  8. Measure Your Doorways: Make sure your home can handle the delivery of your new furniture. It sounds silly but so many people never bother to measure there doorways to make sure what they order will fit. In newer homes that is not usually an issue but older homes deliveries can be restricted by space when it comes to trying to get new furniture into your home.
  9. Solid Colors, Prints, Plaids, Florals: Decisions, decisions! Make it fun, enjoy yourself and remember this is reflection of your good taste. A good sofa will be a part of your family for decades. 

Designing Your Room

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