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Everybody Loves Leather Furniture

Leather’s popularity is showing no signs of slowing down anytime soon. Leather upholstery is a consumer favorite. It’s all about the durability factor, leather furniture is the perfect choice for consumers with real-life household demands of kids, pets and busy schedules. There are now so many choices of leather colors and styles that will work in every décor. Since 2012 the domestic leather business has increased by double digits. Entry level leathers have become as soft and supple as the higher price point leathers making leather furniture more desirable and affordable for more people. Entry level leathers have become more creative looking like you would normally expect for a much higher priced hide. There are now lots of movements in lower priced leathers that have similar characteristics like what you would find in a piece of granite and you will now find real bargains at the starting price point with a wider variety of options.

Manufactures are stocking many more of these types of leathers allowing production to begin quickly and much faster delivery times than there were in the past. The lower prices allow more stock which in turn means faster production times. Leather prices fluctuate like oil and gas, supply and demand. When prices drop this allows shoppers more affordability options from entry leathers all the way up to the high end. Hair on hide leathers are holding their own in today’s marketplace. This type of leather was often in the past looked upon as a western look but not anymore. Hair on hide works perfect for an accent piece even in the most traditional of homes. These hides add plenty of warmth and color because the brindle has so many distinctly different colors within each hide.

Leathers Popularity is Strong

Leather Furniture Every home owner should have at least one piece of leather furniture somewhere. It’s always in style and far outlasts any upholstery fabric. Consider as an accent piece or a room full, leather furniture is always in fashion. Leather is pure and natural and the perfect cover for folks with allergies. Just like a non-shed dog, a standard poodle for example, leather is low maintenance. As you shop for leather you will find tons of options to choose from just make sure you select top grain for the best wear. Leather is a natural product and no two hides are ever alike. So 100% of every piece of leather furniture has its own signature and uniqueness. Cows and buffalo live in nature so you can expect nature’s signatures to be seen on some hides. This is not a flaw it is the beauty. All of today’s higher end furniture manufactures use leathers that have been dyed all the way through which allows the color to penetrate through the surface to the suede. Lower end manufactures of leather furniture might opt to use only surface dyed hides. You do not want them. Not only are they stiffer but the color is more likely to peel of the surface. As I mentioned these leathers are used by mass produced manufactures. If you want good leather buy from a good furniture store.

Leather Furniture Appeals to both Men and Women

Leather has always been an easy sell to men but not always has it been appealing to women. That is why the tanneries are catering more to women through lighter brighter colors and moving away from just browns of every shade. Browns are still hotter than ever but as you look at showrooms you will also see lots of blues, greys and teals. Leather furniture was once only used in cigar clubs for its durability and strength but now it’s everywhere from the living room to the bedroom. Softer cooler colors that appeal to women are being used alone or with other fabrics. Women have discovered for active busy families it’s so easy to just wipe and go. No stressing about the kids or animals on the furniture and after the kids are in bed comfort for mom and dad. One thing we have found that women really like is how pairing fabric throw pillows with their leather furniture takes the masculine look away. Consumers are attracted to the wear story of leather as well as the fashion it brings. Traditional, transitional or modern leather furniture remains a top choice for men and women. Married and single alike they just love leather and leather sofas are by far the most popular item sold online or in showrooms.



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