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How To Pick The Perfect Leather CouchWhat to look for when you are shopping for a quality leather couch.

  1. Make sure it is covered in all top grain leather everywhere. Sides, backs etc…
  2. A solid hardwood frame
  3. Quality framing and solid materials
  4. 8-way hand- tied spring construction
  5. Loose seat cushions
  6. Channeled Back pillows
  7. American made

Shopping for furniture can be expensive and confusing. These days you can buy a leather sofa from the big warehouse clubs to the finest furniture stores. You know there is a difference? Right? The big box stores cater to the masses. You can expect cheap made to just fill your space. Remember you get what you pay for. These types of stores cannot move higher end furniture products, that is not their clientele. To buy quality home furnishings you need to shop at a specialty store. Furniture stores sell everything from a dining tables to a wall clocks. Most sales clerks know little about any of the products they sell. When buying leather furniture education means everything. If you have a house full of kids and pets there are leathers that just won’t be practicable for your lifestyle. The good news is there are several choices that will work for you, but you must know the differences. Otherwise you will be disappointed with how the leather ages over the life of the couch. We buy leather furniture not only for the comfort but the durability. Buying the right leather for your lifestyle is key for buying the perfect leather sofa.

What You Need To Know When Shopping For A Leather CouchHave you ever considered buying your new leather couch from a leather furniture specialty store? Why dine at a steakhouse if you are in the mood for spaghetti? Leather furniture is available in all shapes, colors and sizes. Take for instance the catalog companies that sell home furnishings with other household items like plates, rugs, pictures and pool toys. Yes, they sell leather furniture but it is almost impossible to identify the construction, origin or any other information on the product except for a few choices of leather that are clearly from China. So, you will pay top dollar for the stores name brand, but why?

Leather Furniture Brands

Brand awareness helps. Why support Asian jobs when the best leather furniture is manufactured right here in America. The highest quality leather couches are built in North Carolina. Keep Americans working and you too benefit from the better construction techniques, finer leathers and the longevity of a better built product.

We buy leather furniture for its comfort, appeal and durability. Just as your favorite pair of shoes are probably leather, a leather couch is the same, better with time. There is nothing that says style like leather furniture. Choose just a couch or fill your room. You can never have too much leather.

Leather Couch Guide

Saving money and getting the very best bang for your buck is the name of the game. Buying well-made leather furniture is a good investment. Cloth furniture is not able to handle the same amount of wear as a leather couch. Leather is comfortable and will last for decades with very little upkeep.

Hopefully you will take away from this read that Cowhide is the best upholstery material. Make sure only high quality materials are used in the building process and made in the USA preferably North Carolina. Ask for Domestic or European leathers, before you commit to buying. Both Chinese construction and leathers are under different guidelines then we use in America. From the construction to the tanning of the leather. There are decent made in China furniture companies but there are far more not good ones. It would be in your best interest to just stay away from anything that is not made in America, if high quality, made to last furniture is your goal. When you buy leather, furniture made outside of America you are taking a risk.


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