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Furniture Made In The USABuilt to last and made the old-fashioned way. Quality leather furniture from North Carolina. Custom furniture building is an art often passed down from generation to generation. The artisans that build furniture in North Carolina are skilled in their craft. You can expect quality built NC furniture to last for decades instead of just a few short years. These craftsmen and women take tremendous pride in their expertise and it shows in the finished product. From building the frame to upholstering the sofa, hands on is always better than machine made.

Long standing leather furniture manufacturers like Leathercraft, Classic Leather and McKinley Leather Furniture are just a few of the North Carolina furniture builders that feature this type of hands on furniture construction.

It’s a different mindset. The men and women that build high end furniture in North Carolina are often one of many generations within the same family that have passed their skill onto their children, sisters or brothers. Often one person has one specific job that they do within the furniture building process.

Leather Sectional Handmade In North CarolinaOften men do the heavy lifting and more of the frame building labor while the women are more suited for sewing the patterns, cutting the patterns or working as management to make sure things run smoothly through the furniture plant. Men are more likely to do the upholstering, spring up and frame building.

Both the men and women work together to complement each other with their assigned task of the furniture building. Often the inspectors that view each product before cartoning are women because of their inherited eye for detailing. If something is not perfect it is sent back to the position of the part in question for a re-due. It’s attention to the details like this that supports the NC furniture industry.

Custom Leather Sofas and Sectionals From North Carolina

Not every home has the same needs when it comes to furniture. It’s good to know that there are still leather furniture companies that are flexible and willing to build to your needs. Having the flexibility makes North Carolina so attractive and well-known by furniture shoppers throughout the world.

When shopping for a leather sofa or sectional, recliner or lounge chair be sure to look at North Carolina furniture manufacturers. Quality construction that is built to last a lifetime. 

Previous article Furnishing the Family Room With Genuine Leather Furniture

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