Should You Reupholster or Buy New? A Leather Sofa Dilemma

Your faithful, old leather sofa – you love it. It’s so comfortable and has proven to be worth the money you dished out for it.
But lately, you’ve noticed it’s starting to look its age. What should you do now?
This is an important crossroad in every sofa owner’s life.
Should you spend the money on one of the best leather sofa brands to replace the sofa?
Or, should you spend the time on trying to reupholster it?
3 Things to Consider About Reupholstering vs Buying New
Here are three reasons some might consider the reupholstering route as an option.
1. The Sofa Is a Beloved and/or Valuable Family Heirloom
Getting rid of a prized possession which has been a part of our family’s heritage is not an option. These types of pieces are few and far to come by, so we should treasure them and do what we can to ensure they last.
When a piece of furniture is starting to look a little rough, it might be time to reupholster it. Doing this will be an investment in the piece, and it might even add to its value.
Regardless of how much it’s worth, reupholstering a family heirloom will make you proud you have something from the past to pass along to future generations.
2. It’s a Quality Antique You Don’t Want to Lose
Similarly, there’s simply no replacing quality antiques. Regardless of whether your antique sofa or chair is a statement piece or part of a collection, the fact remains you invested in it to keep – not to replace.
This is, after all, a piece you love which has a ton of history attached to it. You can’t simply get rid of it because it’s starting to look a bit worn.
3. The Frame Is Still In Really Good Shape
At Wellington’s, we know the value of a good frame. The furniture we offer to our customers is handcrafted out of 5/4 kiln-dried hardwoods such as Bradington Young leather furniture.
So, when we hear someone has a sturdy, quality-made couch with good bones, we totally understand when they decide to reupholster it.
Keep in mind the cost of reupholstering the piece might very well cost the same as a new piece. If you love the shape of your furniture – go for it.
But if you’re not crazy about it, we recommend selling it and investing the money into a new piece of leather furniture which will make you happy.
The Time, Cost, and Energy Involved in Reupholstering a Leather Sofa
As you’re probably well aware, reupholstering a piece of furniture is going to take quite a bit of time.
Do you have the spare time necessary to complete such a task?
If you’re a do-it-yourselfer who is willing to spend time on this type of project – go for it.
Another option would be to hire a person or company to reupholster the leather piece for you. This will definitely save you time and energy.
However, the cost can add up fast.
Depending on the size and complexity of the piece, it can take anywhere from eight to 14 hours to reupholster a single chair. You can imagine how much longer an entire sofa would take.
In some cases, the cost of labor and materials can equal or even exceed buying a new piece of furniture.
Another thing to take into consideration is how long you’d be without a sofa.
When a piece is being reupholstered, though, the time you wait to get it back can vary depending on the complexity of the job and how big of a workload the upholstery company has.
Taking all these factors into account, many often discover buying a new piece of leather furniture will save them money and hassle in the long run.
Weigh Your Options Carefully Before Making Your Final Decision
At times, we can get so carried away by our excitement we don’t take the time to count the cost of our new purchase or project.
Taking the time to figure out whether to buy a new sofa or to reupholster and what makes the most sense, is not always the most fun part of the process.
However, whether it’s with money or time, it will serve you in the long run. You’ll end up making a decision which will make you happy with your leather sofa.