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What Experts Tell Us to Look for when Buying High End Leather Furniture

When you want to build a home, you put a little bit of yourself into it. You invest energy and creative resources and, on top of that, a lot of time.

Time is cost-free, but decorating a house isn't. So, it's obvious you're not going to spend your hard-earned money on opulent furniture that doesn't have certified quality.

cozy atmosphere comes with items that last, so you need to look for high-end leather furniture.

The trick is related to how you make the best choice when you shop around for it. Take advantage of the professionals' expertise and read on.

Look for a Hardwood Frame

Any long-lasting house has a rock-solid foundation. The same goes for furniture. But, in this case, it's about the frame. 

With furniture frames, wood is the prime material. But not any kind of wood will do.

A 1 1/4 inch solid hardwood is the expert's choice. Opt for maple or poplar while avoiding plywood (mainly 3/4 and 7/8 inch plywood - this is not a quality option).

Now, on a more technical note, ask the retailer if the frame includes:

  • Double pinning with solid corner blocks
  • Double stretchers across the rails
  • A trusted lumber provider - Kiln dried hardwood

Last but not least, avoid mixtures of hardwood and softwood. Plywood flexes and hardwood doesn't. That is how you can tell if you are being misled by producers who are more interested in sales than quality.

Keep an Eye on the Spring System

Springs are something you rarely think about - unless they break down.

To avoid that, choose an 8-way hand tied system. That is built with a technology that enables each spring to be properly fixed. That means they are tied manually eight times side to side, back to front and diagonally.

This way, the cushion aligns with the spring system. It does so in such a way the weight is absorbed evenly by both components.

The cords must also be top-notch in terms of quality.

Be Careful with the Cushion Construction

The cushions must be incredibly resilient as you can imagine.

At the base, foam core cushions are the ones to look for. Also, fiber wrap is a must-have characteristic. As for good back cushions, they are usually an amalgam of feathers and fiber or fortrell.  

At first, high-end leather furniture might feel a bit too firm. That is because it takes a little more time to break it in, just like your favorite pair of leather gloves. 

You should also look for cushion manufacturers that focus on environmentally-friendly products.

High-end Leather Furniture Is Made of the Best Leather out There

The visual impact of high-end leather furniture is what will make your guests' jaws drop.

As with any certain choice, you need to know what you are looking for. After you decide which color is the best fit for your rooms, it's time to check the quality of the materials. Obviously, you are looking for a lack of markings, scars or mismatches.

Leather needs to have consistency of color and texture, thickness and natural patina. In short, it should look organic.

Well, we here at Wellington's Fine Leather Furniture take pride in the natural, high-end leather furniture we offer.

If you want to find out more about our offers, be sure to get in touch with us.

Previous article The Versatility of a Leather Sectional Sofa

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